Animation of man pondering window cleaning techniques

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A lot of homes in The Coachella Valley and warmer climates in California have window treatments installed on them. Often the window treatment is a UV reducing tint. Cleaning tinted windows can present different challenges. The last thing you want to do is grab some paper towels, and ammonia based cleaner, and a razor blade. Paper towels can leave lint and fibers and streaks on the tinted surface. Ammonia based cleaners can discolor tinting (ever seen a car with bubbly purple tint ? Ammonia) Razor blades are a no-no for obvious reasons. Your best bet is to do what the professionals do, pick up a squeegee, mild detergent  (Dawn is good) and non abrasive sponge or t-handle applicator. All these items can be picked up for under $20 at your favorite home supply or hardware store. What if you have deposits (paint, drywall mud, stickers etc.) That traditional window cleaning won’t remove? You can find plastic razor blades at home stores and hardware stores that will remove paint and drywall. Stickers such as ones placed by security companies can leave a residue after being peeled off. There are chemicals available to professional window cleaners that easily removed adhesives, tar, crayon from window. For the everyday homeowner there has been much praise given to WD-40. It will remove adhesives amongst a handful of other uses. Of course if deposits are densely distributed on multiple windows, it may be worth it to seek outside assistance. ShinePro Window Cleaning understands the satisfaction that comes with completing a challenging task on your own. We also have compassion when a homeowner or business owner realizes when they’re in over their head. Contact us for a free no obligation window cleaning estimate.