Shower Doors, The Good, The Bad, And The Scummy


Shower doors that haven’t been cleaned properly or maintained for weeks or months can start to develop a build-up of calcium from local hard water, soap, and body oils. Removing these deposits can prove a real challenge if you’re not armed with the knowledge or the right tools for the job.

shower door glass magnified

Shower door glass surface magnified several thousand times.

The surface of glass is actually filled with ridges and pits, allowing deposits to easily embed into them. Prevention, and maintenance are key. Of course life happens and other obligations can distract us from the many awaiting chores around the home.

If you find yourself in the shower and notice haze at the bottom and sides of your shower door enclosure, don’t fret, use these tricks to help clear the mess;

  • Use a white abrasive pad (not a green pad, too aggressive) and a paste made of baking soda and water, scrub the deposits with the paste until they clear away.
  • If the stains still remain, a stronger solution might be necessary, CLR© is a medium strength deposit remover that is relatively safe for the everyday homeowner to use. Simply apply with a sponge, allow it to dwell for a few minutes, then rinse.
  • Sometimes severely stained shower doors require professional grade deposit removers, I recommend Bio-Clean® its non-toxic, it simply uses a mild abrasive to rub away mineral deposits.

After The Stains Are Cleared, Its Time To Prevent The Next Occurrence

After all the dust has settled and your glass is clean, lets never do that again. Its time to seal your shower doors. A simple application of Rain-X™ , that’s right, the same stuff for your windshield can prevent future build-up. Follow the instructions on the container to prevent deposits from collecting in those microscopic pits and ridges.

As a final note, try to make a habit of using a squeegee after each shower to ensure nothing can dry and bond to the surface of your shower glass.

shower doors after hard water stain removal

Before and after shot of shower doors treated and sealed.


Brandon Scott, owner of ShinePro Window Cleaning