Holiday Cleaning Preparations

Well we’re in the midst of the holiday season. Halloween in just a few short weeks, Thanksgiving a month later, followed by Christmas. Your home will not be on display with such frequency in a short period until,well, this time next year. 

With Halloween, we decorate the exterior of our home with skeletons, ghosts, webs, and other creepy crawlies. Some of us might paint our windows with images of monsters and scary critters. You might even know or be one of the folks that goes all out by converting your home to a haunted house. Once Halloween has past, it’s time for the clean up. Time to  put away all the props, pick up the candy wrappers, and pull down the toilet paper and wash off the eggs from the pranksters that came through after the trick or treaters.
Thanksgiving unlike Halloween is about families and food instead of neighbors and candy. Holiday cleaning prior to guests arrival is paramount. Thanksgiving dinner guests usually arrive late afternoon when outdoor lighting is optimal. First impressions are important to setting the mood for your guests. Approach your home with new eyes, your guests eyes. Are your windows clean? Are your gutters free of debris and whitened? When your guests use the restroom, are the mirrors cleaned? Are the shower doors clean and free of hard water stains?
Then of course the epitome of the holiday season, Christmas. The lights go up, the Christmas tree is gleaming with colored bulbs and tinsel. Stockings are hung, the house is filled with holiday cheer and the aroma of delicious food. After the gifts are passed out, the post holiday cleaning begins.
ShinePro Window Cleaning can’t help with every aspect of holiday cleaning, but we can help with the “showcase” type cleaning. ShinePro Window Cleaning recommends a pre holiday cleaning and a post holiday season cleaning. 
The pre holiday window cleaning is essential to the mood and impression your guests will have of your home. We recommend, cleaning your windows, sliding glass doors, shower doors, mirrors, ceiling fans,skylights, window screens. This will convey to your guests that cleanliness and attention to detail is of high priority to you as a host. Then comes the post holiday cleaning. Cooking leaves residue on windows and screens. The little munchkins scampering around putting their little paw prints on the panes of your home need to be cleaned off.
Call ShinePro Window Cleaning for all your window cleaning needs. We service Palm Springs and surrounding Coachella Valley cities, as well as the cities of Beaumont, Yucaipa, Redlands, and surrounding eastern Inland Empire cities. From now until New Years we’re offering $50 off window cleaning for homes over 2000 square feet. Call ShinePro Window Cleaning to schedule your free estimate today!

Brandon Scott, COO of ShinePro Window Cleaning