Rooftop solar panels here in Palm Springs create an ideal environment for pigeons to nest and roost. The panels provide shelter from the Coachella Valley sun, concealment from predators, and an easy in-and-out vantage point for birds. Since most solar panels are usually just inches off the roof deck, removing nests and droppings can be tricky.

Pigeons cause damage to solar panels:

Every year, pigeons cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage to solar panels. Over time, bird nests, droppings and debris can cause considerable damage to solar panels. When birds build nests under solar panels, they attract other pests, such as squirrels and mice. These rodents can chew through a solar panel’s electrical wiring, which may lead to shorts and rooftop fires. Finally, bird nests and droppings can harbor diseases such as encephalitis, salmonella, meningitis, even the West Nile virus.

Bird Control Strategies for Solar Panels

The best way to address the problem of birds and other pests under solar panels is to install effective and humane deterrents. Ideally, this should be done when solar panels are first installed, or at the very least before pest birds arrive. Most solar panel installation contractors already have access to special tools and lift equipment, so installing deterrents at this stage is both simplified and economical. A proactive approach can keep pest birds and critters away from solar panels before they settle in to roost and nest. The next best tactic is to deter birds as soon as they’re noticed. Delays in implementing bird controls will only allow birds to gather in greater numbers, making their removal and cleanups more difficult

Install Bird Mesh

Bird mesh is one of the most effective bird-proofing options for home solar systems. Designed to seal the area under your solar panels, bird mesh clips directly to the panels and runs around the edges of the entire array.
While it doesn’t technically “seal off” your panels from the house – air can still move through – it does make it difficult for birds to build nests beneath the panels. If you’re looking for a more cost-effective option, bird netting will do the same thing, with slightly diminished resistance to the elements.
No matter which option you choose, bird nets are low-profile, attractive, and low-impact for both your panels and roofs.

Install Roof Spikes

Roof spikes aren’t the most attractive option for keeping birds at bay, but they work wonders. By making it uncomfortable to roost on or around your solar panels, spikes keep birds from staying around long enough to make a nest or a big mess.
While they’re not incredibly useful on their own, they can be paired with roof netting or a similar set of tactics to keep roofs net-free and solar panels clean.

Invest in simulated birds of prey

Plastic birds of prey may seem silly, but they do work. If you invest in a fake owl with a head that swivels in the breeze, it can move convincingly and scare birds away. They’re a great pigeon guard for solar panels.
There are also high-tech, automated birds of prey you can install on your roof that will scare pigeons and other birds away for years to come. Again, pair these approaches with bird netting and other tactics to ensure a comprehensive and effective approach.

Keep Your Yard and Garden Clean

Birds need something to eat, and making the space around your home uninhabitable for them will help encourage them to go elsewhere. To this end, keep your yard clean to ensure there are no food sources around your home. If you have rubbish bins around your house, store trash under a lid or in tightly sealed plastic bags. Remember also to clean up pet food around the house and store anything birds might want to eat in bins with fitted lids.

Maintain Your Home Solar Panels

Solar panel system maintenance is essential, and keeping your PV array in good working order will make it that much less susceptible to bird nests and droppings. Solar Panel Cleaning, repairing any cracks or mounting issues, and having them professionally serviced are all essential to ensuring long-term functionality.

In conclusion

Once all bird proofing measures have been taken, its time to have your solar panels cleaned. ShinePro Window Cleaning is the locals choice. From Redlands to Indio, Palm Desert to La Quinta, and every city in between, we are licensed and insured to service your town. Call today to schedule your appointment. We also offer Window Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning, and Hard Water Stain Removal.

Brandon Scott, COO of ShinePro Window Cleaning