voting button with American flag and balloons

One of America’s most important past times. 2020 has presented a unique challenge to voting in person though.

Voting is one of the most important civic duties for every qualified American. This year is arguably one of the most important elections of our generation. On November 3rd Americans will decide between current President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. One of the hot topics surrounding this years election is safety. With Covid-19 being a factor for the rest of 2020, voting must be done responsibly. With hundreds of Antiviral Sanitizing Services under our belt, ShinePro Window Cleaning has some tips.

Wash Your Hands
hand washing for Covid-19

Washing your hands should already be a part of your routine.

Washing your hands is the single most effective task to slow the spread. The process is basic, wet your hands, lather with soap, and rinse off. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to use antibacterial soap. Soap essentially acts as a surfactant, the water is what does the cleaning. One important factor is to wash for at least thirty seconds.

Sanitize After Voting
hand sanitizer

Apply hand sanitizer before touching any personal items.

Use hand sanitizer immediately after leaving your polling station. This is especially true if you do not wear gloves during the voting process. Have your hand sanitizer readily available before you enter your vehicle. You would be surprised how quickly a virus can spread from touch. The Coronavirus cannot survive long in your vehicle but it’s best to be safe.

Vote By Mail
vote by mail

Voting by mail is another option for higher risk individuals and people that are weary of leaving their home.

Although voting by mail can be vulnerable to a higher rejection rate and fraud, it is another option. You can fill out your ballot from the safety of your home and mail it out. Drop it off at a polling station for more security. Be sure to read the instructions, and sign it.

ShinePro Window Cleaning Owner Brandon Scott

Brandon Scott, owner of ShinePro Window Cleaning

I hope you find these voting safety tips useful and informative. Contact us if you are a resident of The Greater Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, and Indian Wells area. We offer residential and commercial covid disinfection, window cleaning, and solar panel cleaning.