rain drops on window

Rain in Palm Desert, California can be a refreshing change to the dry climate.

The Facts On Rain Water

Rainfall is always a welcome occurrence here in the Coachella Valley. With an average of 5.5 inches spread out over 15 days, a break in the status quo is nice. January through April see the most precipitation, May through July with the least. Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, and Indian Wells are paradise for a Window Cleaner. Services are in demand year-round. Rainy days are one exception to the rule. The common idea is that precipitation makes windows dirty. This is false for several reasons, rain is free of impurities, dirt, and contaminants.

window cleaning in Indian Wells, California

These windows in Indian Wells received a brief drizzle session. Still crystal clear as you can see.

Window Cleaning And Precipitation

So why all the bad press? The answer is simple, Lack of customer education. At ShinePro Window Cleaning, we send out a preemptive email to our customers. This email goes out before our wet season. Customers learn that rain simply reconfigures existing dirt, therefore creating the illusion of being the source. On a clean window, rain might make contact but will evaporate deposit free. We actually utilize a cleaning system that attempts to recreate the cleaning power of rain. This system is call a Reverse Osmosis De-Ionization system Window Cleaners have long known about the cleaning power of rain. In Europe, many Window Washer harvest and wield this effective commodity.

Scheduling And Planning Around The Weather



So, should you reschedule for pending inclement weather?

The big question, should I reschedule? We can’t answer for other companies or homeowners. Our policy is quite simple, we don’t cancel any appointments unless a torrential downpour is imminent. If a customer expresses concern over our policy, we assure them of our confidence with our rain guarantee policy. If, on the rare occasion that any panes are affected, we will come out and reclean said affected windows or patio doors free of charge. With a full schedule, it’s a lot easier to swing by and touch up a few panes, than it is to move a full day of work.

Rain, Window Cleaning, And Your Priorities

This is ShinePro Window Cleanings’ Rain Policy. We’ve found it has suited us well for our location in Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, and Indian Wells. Of course yours and your customer’s needs might vary. If you have any questions as a Window Cleaning Professional or a customer, we’re happy to help. Learn more about rain, pressure washing, and solar panel cleaning. Feel free to leave your questions or comments down below.

Brandon Scott, COO of ShinePro Window Cleaning